Monday, June 10, 2013

Let The Madness Begin - Or How to Keep Grandma Sane

Youngest son has arrived. Belongings in a U-Haul trailer.
With a wife. Three kids. Two dogs. One cat.

Can you just see it?

Yup. Chaos.

At least for a little bit. I'm sure we'll get into a rhythm. A schedule, of sorts. An even keel. Hmmm...too optimistic?

So youngest son has completed his time in the Air Force. And we are so proud of him for serving his country so admirably.
We are also proud of the man, husband and daddy he has become.

He's home now, under my roof, in the home he grew up in, plotting out his next career move. And where he'll be setting down roots for his family.

In the meantime, his father and I have laid out the welcome mat and offered them refuge until they find their new home. IS a tight fit. My house is not what you'd call a mansion. Far from it. Matter of fact, much to hubby's chagrin, it was once described as a quaint cozy cottage. Somehow, we've managed to squeeze in 5 extra people and 3 extra pets in this tiny abode.

Luckily the warm weather is here. The great outdoors beckons us. Which makes the backyard the perfect place for the kids and pets to spend a lot of their time. And its this time of the year when there are many things going on - b-b-q's, backyard family gatherings, festivals, beach-days, picnics at the park. Events to keep everyone busy and out of the house.

The point is, we all have to stay active, organized and out of each other's way.

I already have something in mind for my own sanity and, as a by-product, my health - THE GYM. I joined last week. Better late than never, eh? ☺ It'll give me solitude time. And as a result, should help me to lose weight, tone up and de-stress my mind a bit. Keep me from becoming Grandma the Ogre. Not a bad idea, right?

Don't get me wrong - I love spending time with my family. I'm very excited to have my adorable grandkids around and look forward to seeing their smiling faces and hearing their giggles every day. (Full disclosure: the whines, the cries, the tantrums...not so much. They are a package deal after all.)
So bear with me. I may not be able to post as much. And when I do, they may be a bit incoherent and disjointed. Be gentle.
If you have any suggestions to help this Little House in the City run smoothly, or have been in my shoes, please share!

Okay. Got to get back to the craziness that is my life and home right now. Wish us luck!


  1. Sounds like a plan in place just one day at a time..hugs. Damon

    1. Thanx Damon! Think that's the best course of action.

  2. Let the force be with you...........:)Nancy

  3. I've recently been boomeranged and have mixed feelings. The best part is my son is working a lot, so I hardly see him. That does make it a lot easier. But still the nekkidy time is definitely impinged upon.


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