Thursday, December 6, 2012

Vacation....all I ever to get away!

Sunny. Warm. Fun. Relaxing. Ahhhh, vacation! With all that's happened in our lives lately, hubby and I sure needed this. Even if only for a little while. We've gotten away from the stress and uncertainty back home. Time to enjoy ourselves. Recharge. Regroup.

We've already spent a few days with the oldest son. He's a hardworking guy who also recently lost a good job and is barely making ends meet now in a low wage menial one. We figured he needed a change of pace too, so we booked a room in a really nice hotel where we lived large for a few days. Swam in the pool. Relaxed in the hot tub. Sat by the pool one night at the outdoor movie theater.

The high point was spending a day at Universal Studios theme park. It's been about 20 years since we'd been there. Our son was just a boy at the time. While we walked the park grounds we reminisced and marveled at how much it had changed. We took our time. There was no hurry. We just wanted to enjoy each other's company and soak up the entertainment. Even though I probably shouldn't have (due to my back condition), I jumped at the chance to ride everything, especially the roller coasters. I LOVE them! It had been too long.

Sadly, our time with the oldest came to an end and we had to be moving on. Hugs. Kisses. And promises to see each other soon.

We drove 6 hours north to the home of our youngest son. He's in the air force. Lives with his wife and 3 children in a beautiful area on the coast. The kids were outside when we pulled up and ran into our arms. There's nothing like the love and affection from little ones to fill your heart with happiness. So far we've just enjoyed spending time together. We've strolled to the local playground, walked our oldest grandchild to and from his school bus stop, watched Christmas movies, sang carols, decorated the Christmas tree and did some Christmas shopping. We plan on having our own Christmas in a few days. A little early. But somehow I don't think the grandkids will mind the holiday coming early this year!

We've made plans to go to the beach. The zoo. And just drive the streets at night oohing and ahhing at the houses and palm trees adorned with festive lights.

Got a few more days here and will fill them with lots of fun and memories.

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